
Brybe Helps You Find Freelance Work & Monetize Your Social Channels

Finding a new freelance platform with low competition is the key to finding success as a freelancer.

It improves your chances of landing more clients as well as stand out from the crowd.

Now, here’s your chance to join such a platform.

Brybe has opened its marketplace to freelancers. Now you can use it to not only find freelance work but also to make money with your Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter accounts.

Let’s take a closer look to see why this platform can be beneficial to beginning freelancers and influencers alike.

What Is Brybe?



Brybe is marketplace that helps businesses find freelancers and influencers.

The platform allows influencers to find businesses to partner up with and run sponsored promotions through their social channels. It’s a great way to monetize your social accounts and make some money without effort.

Brybe also has a section dedicated to freelancers. The marketplace lets you find and apply to job postings from clients. You can also create gigs to offer different services.

Why Use Brybe?

You might be wondering: Why use a platform like Brybe when there are dozens of popular freelance platforms out there?

Well, here are a few reasons why joining Brybe is good for your career.

Low Competition

While Brybe is an established platform for influencers it has just opened the marketplace for freelancers.

Yes, this means there will be fewer job postings to apply to. But, it also means there will be fewer freelancers to compete with.

Unlike getting into a bidding war on a marketplace with millions of freelancers, you’ll have a higher chance of winning a job on a platform like Brybe.

It’s the perfect time to create an account and build your profile. Once the freelance marketplace is popular, your profile will rank higher in the marketplace.

No Platform Fees

Brybe doesn’t charge any platform fees from freelancers and creators. It’s completely free to use.

At a time where big freelance marketplaces charge up to 30% platform fees, it’s quite refreshing to see new sites like Brybe take a much freelancer-friendly approach.

Rest assured, you will be able to keep all the money you earn from Brybe.

Create Packaged Offers

In addition to browsing the job postings and applying to projects, you can also create gigs (like on Fiverr) to offer one-off services.

If you’re good at designing logos, building websites, or even creating content for social media, you can create a gig so that clients can easily find you on the platform.

Set Your Own Prices

Unlike most other freelance marketplaces, Brybe doesn’t have any restrictions when it comes to pricing. You can set your own prices for your gigs.

The platform, however, does use a review system. This affects your ranking. But, as long as you deliver quality work on time, you’ll get better ratings and help boost your profile to the top.

Make Money With Your Social Channels

Even if you’re not a freelancer, you can use Brybe to monetize your social channels.

If you have a social networking account with at least 500 followers, you can join Brybe as an influencer.

Then you can connect with businesses and brands to promote their products on your social accounts.

There are influencers with 10k Instagram followers who charge over $100 per promotion. It’s a great way to make money on the side.

Can Anyone Join The Platform?

Right now Brybe is allowing anyone to join the platform.

For freelancers, there are no requirements. For influencers, you only need a social account with at least 500 followers. That’s it!

Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter users are all welcome on Brybe.

But, things will probably change in the near future. Once the freelance marketplace gets bigger, it will limit access and introduce new requirements. This is not confirmed but it’s what usually happens with new platforms.

So now is your chance to join Brybe and build your profile.

How To Find Freelance Work with Brybe

There are two ways to find freelance work on Brybe.

Browse Job Postings

brybe job postings

Browsing the jobs posted by businesses and clients is the easy way to find work on Brybe.

The jobs are posted in the buyer requests section under multiple categories so they are easier to find.

There are jobs for both influencers and freelancers. You’ll find very easy gigs, like reviewing a product or app. As well as higher-paying gigs.

You will still need to create a freelancer profile to apply to these jobs.

Create A Gig

brybe gigs

You can also offer one-off services by creating gigs.

Gigs work just like on Fiverr. But on Brybe, you won’t have to deal with the terrible algorithm used by Fiverr. Or the massive competition.

How To Monetize Social Channels with Brybe

brybe influencers

If you have a Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter account with a good following, you can use Brybe to find sponsorships and make money on the side.

Once you create an account as an influencer, you can connect your social accounts with the platform. And then apply to requests made by buyers.

Or you can also create a packaged offer by setting a fixed price for posting a promotional post on your social account.

Who Should Use Brybe?

Brybe is open to everyone. And, as mentioned earlier, it doesn’t have any requirements or country restrictions. At least not yet.

Although, beginning freelancers will find the platform most useful as it can be a great place to start your career. As well as to easily find work without having to deal with competition.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored review. However, the opinions we’ve shared in the article are our own. We are not responsible for your experience using the platform.